Friday, December 9, 2016


The Beginning
I was nervous about this class as I was about every other class I have taken in college.  However when I found out that we had to post a blog every week I didn't know if I was going to make it in this class.  I am not much of a writer.  Every time a professor asks me to write a reflection mine is always a paragraph or shorter.  Thankfully, Dr. Kyburz showed me how to write an efficient blog and she taught me a few things I didn't know.  I had no clue how people posted videos in their blogs until Dr. Kyburz showed me.  Now that I have a few tricks up my sleeve I am confident I can create a good looking blog.

The Dog Days of the Semester
The easy part of the semester was over and now the grind of the semester was in full swing.  Documentary papers, quizzes, and group work filled the middle weeks of the semester.  The documentary paper was a new learning experience.  I don't think I have written anything about a film that was solely based on facts.  There was no room for opinion on that paper because opinion isn't allowed when you are writing the facts about something.  This is a helpful stepping stone to anyone who is going to enter the field of law enforcement because those reports are based on 100% facts.  The quizzes were very simple because the material in the book was straight forward.  Normally I dread working in groups because some people in the group don't put in 100% effort.  Thankfully I had partners who got straight to the point and did the work that had to be done.

It always blows my mind how quickly the end of the semester arrives.  It seems the weeks fly by as soon as Thanksgiving break is over.  At the beginning of the semester I was nervous and now this class is the most comfortable class I had this semester.  Everyone here can share their opinion about a topic and they don't have to worry about being disrespected.  The people I met in this class were very cool and Dr. Kyburz was a fun professor.  I hope I see her some where on my TV during winter break.

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