Friday, December 9, 2016


The Beginning
I was nervous about this class as I was about every other class I have taken in college.  However when I found out that we had to post a blog every week I didn't know if I was going to make it in this class.  I am not much of a writer.  Every time a professor asks me to write a reflection mine is always a paragraph or shorter.  Thankfully, Dr. Kyburz showed me how to write an efficient blog and she taught me a few things I didn't know.  I had no clue how people posted videos in their blogs until Dr. Kyburz showed me.  Now that I have a few tricks up my sleeve I am confident I can create a good looking blog.

The Dog Days of the Semester
The easy part of the semester was over and now the grind of the semester was in full swing.  Documentary papers, quizzes, and group work filled the middle weeks of the semester.  The documentary paper was a new learning experience.  I don't think I have written anything about a film that was solely based on facts.  There was no room for opinion on that paper because opinion isn't allowed when you are writing the facts about something.  This is a helpful stepping stone to anyone who is going to enter the field of law enforcement because those reports are based on 100% facts.  The quizzes were very simple because the material in the book was straight forward.  Normally I dread working in groups because some people in the group don't put in 100% effort.  Thankfully I had partners who got straight to the point and did the work that had to be done.

It always blows my mind how quickly the end of the semester arrives.  It seems the weeks fly by as soon as Thanksgiving break is over.  At the beginning of the semester I was nervous and now this class is the most comfortable class I had this semester.  Everyone here can share their opinion about a topic and they don't have to worry about being disrespected.  The people I met in this class were very cool and Dr. Kyburz was a fun professor.  I hope I see her some where on my TV during winter break.

Monday, October 24, 2016


This notebook takes my number one spot.  The biggest reason why is because it is weather proof.  You never know when you might have to take down some notes in the rain.  Also this notebook would fit perfectly in your pocket.

This notebook is my second choice.  This notebook is perfect for quick note taking and it is weather proof as well.  However this might not be big enough if you have to write lots of notes.  Also I am not a fan of the notebook rings being on top of the paper.

These types of notebooks would be my last choice.  The obvious reason is that they are too big.  These are more appropriate for note taking in school and not for law enforcement.
This video shows how tough it can be being a police officer nowadays.  There has been so much controversy surrounding the police and use of force that some officers are second guessing whether or not they should use their guns.  The suspect in the video was high on PCP and that particular drug is known for giving people super human strength at times.  You can see how the male officer was also struggling with the suspect.  The female officer had every right to shoot him but in the back of her mind she was worried about the possible consequences she would have to face.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

Donald Trump Should Stick to Politics

When a professional athlete voices their opinion about politics, many people lash back at them by saying, "STICK TO SPORTS!!!"  Many dumb people who follow sports want their favorite athletes to only perform on the field, court, race track, or wherever, and not have an opinion about politics.

Last Wednesday during a Trump rally in Florida, a woman passed out but was able to return after regaining consciousness.  Trump noticed that and decided to take a shot at the NFL and NFL players.  Trump said, "That woman was out cold and show she's coming back."  He then says, "We don't go by these new, and very much softer, NFL rules.  Concussions, 'oh,oh! Got a little ding on the head.  No, no you can't play for the rest of the season.'  "Our people are tough."

Concussions are the number threat to players lives in the NFL.  Many blows to the head and concussions can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.  CTE is a digressive disease of the brain found in athletes with a history of repetitive brain trauma.  CTE can lead to depression, dementia, parkinsonism, and suicidal behavior.  Many families have dealt with the consequences of their loved ones dealing with CTE.  There have been a number of retired NFL players who have committed suicide due to CTE.  Some players even shot themselves in the chest so their brain could be used for research.  Donald Trump has no right to attack people who deal with concussions.  Donald Trump, stick to politics.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Debate Part II

Donald Trump knows how to work an audience.  At this point, I'm watching him solely for entertainment.  Everything he says is a headline and he always gets a thunderous laugh from the audience.  However I do find it curious how Trump still has a female following after his latest "locker room talk" comments.  I am not a Clinton supporter but the way Trump talks about women is not how a presidential candidate should talk.  

Monday, October 3, 2016

Group Work Reflection

Like I stated before, I was not a big fan of group projects.  However when my group partners are reliable and hard working the work that we have to do becomes easier.  Also I hate doing presentations.  I always worry whether if I'm going to speak nervously and stutter throughout my presentation.  However for this project I practiced my presentation multiple times at home and I felt like I did pretty decent during my presentation.  These presentations will also help me get accustom to speaking in public later in my career.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Group work

Every time I look at a syllabus in the beginning of the semester I always check first to see if there is a group project.  I tend to a have a love/hate relationship with group projects.  In some of my previous classes, group projects tend to be simple and straight forward.  And sometimes the goal of the project is too complex or me and my group members might not be on the same page.
However, this group project seems to be straight forward.  My group mates Josh, Elizabeth, and Didier all have an understanding of what we need to do and we expect to get the job done.